Balikpapan Schools & Hospitals
If you are moving to Balikpapan and bringing kids of school age with you, there are several schools that cater to the expatriate community. They are all, however, primary schools. Alternatives will have to be sought for high school students.
International schools
Australian International School - from kindergarten to year 6 (0542) 750-781
Prabu International School Balikpapan Indonesia - Ages 3 to 11 (0542) 764-721 or 523-992 or 523-925
Raffles International School Balikpapan (0542) 876-388
Both Total and Chevron run schools for children of their employees.
There are several hospitals in the city although, to be frank, none of a developed-country standard.
These are:
Rumah Sakit Balikpapan Baru
Jalan Haryono Complex, Blok A-3A, No. 7-9
Balikpapan Baru; (0542) 877-330
Rumah Sakit Balikpapan Husada
Jalan Haryono No. 9 (Ring Road)
(0542) 720-6509
Rumah Sakit Restu Ibu
Jalan Yani No. 6
(0542) 734-181
And the better quality one:
Rumah Sakit Pertamina
Jalan Sudirman No. 1
(0542) 421-212
Private doctors
In addition, Total and Chevron have private doctors available for their employees who can also be consulted by non-employees for a fee. The well-known chain of professional medical clinics, International SOS, has an office in Balikpapan, although not yet a clinic itself. They employ paramedics, can refer people to doctors and organize medivacs. Their address is Jalan Pupuk Raya No. 54 (0542) 765-966.
Contributor: aYlNlfdX
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