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Internet Forums

There are numerous internet forums geared toward assisting short-term visitors, tourists, expatriates and foreign residents in Indonesia.

English-language forums

Living in Indonesia Expat Forum
Expat ForumBetter known simply as the Expat Forum. Unrelated to this website, despite the similar name. Commenced life in 1998 and for many years used the url www.expat.or.id/wwwboard/index.html. In 2008, the site underwent a complete makeover, migrating to livinginindonesiaforum.org with a more user-friendly design. The forum is a fantastic place for foreigners to ask questions about life in Indonesia. Also contains job listings, classifieds and a personals section. Registration is required to post and there is a vibrant community of regular posters. Strict moderation keeps threads free of vulgarity and nonsense.

Trip Advisor Indonesia Travel Forum
Trip Advisor Indonesia Travel Forum Good for advice on Indonesian accommodation, shopping, health and other travel matters.

Bali Travel Forum
balitravelforum.com Running since 1997, this is a simple, no-nonsense message board for questions and advice about Bali.

Balipod.com A useful forum for expats and travelers on the resort island.

Travelfish.org - Indonesia forum
Travelfish.org Helpful forum for those planning a holiday to Indonesia.

Baliblog Forums
Baliblog Forums Simple travel forum. Least impressive of the Bali forums.

JakChat Started in 2006 as something of an antithesis to the Expat Forum. Few taboos, although there was also an emphasis on news and current affairs. Its core group of posters dwindled around 2009 but the site remains online, as if threatening to reawaken some day.

Lonely Planet Thorn Tree Forum – Indonesia
Lonely Planet Thorn Tree Forum – Indonesia Questions and some advice about Indonesian destinations from backpackers and other adventurous travelers.

BatamChat If you live or do business on the industrial island of Batam, this is a good place to seek information from foreigners and locals alike.


  gaungs   10 Feb 09 06:44

Dear All,

I'd like to assist foreign living in Indonesia in arranging their working permit, KIMs, and other document especially in Jakarta. For further contact please call my mobile phone 0856-97948350.Thank you.

  okusi   12 Feb 09 09:05

guangs, KIM/S has not been used since 1995. they were then replaced with KITAS. are you sure you know what you are doing?

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