Guides for Foreign Residents & Expats
Accurate, unbiased & comprehensive information
for foreign residents & expatriates
Are you planning to move to Indonesia? Have you recently arrived for a long or permanent stay? Or are you already well dug in? Then this site is for you. is an ongoing support site and resource for foreign nationals who wish to make Indonesia their home, whether this be short or long term. is a collective effort involving many people, mainly foreign nationals, who have long experience of living and working in this complex and interesting nation.

Getting Here: Check out our advice for moving to Indonesia - what to do before you arrive. Find out how to arrange visas and work permits.
Getting Around Indonesia: If you've just arrived or are packing up to go, take a look at our advice on house hunting. Then see Getting Around for tips on public transportation, taxis and driving in Indonesia.
Getting to Know People: Making contact with like-minded people in a new country can be daunting. Check out the Social & Networking pages to make new friends and do some networking.
Eating: Take a look at the Food & Eating page for recommendations on eating out. If you're homesick for familiar flavors, try the international food that you can find on the Supermarkets page for a list of places that sell your comfort food.
If you're already living in Indonesia, you might want to check out the Practicalities page, which has information for day-to-day living.